Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

anybody got an idea ?

like the title said :
any body got an idea about what can i post about !
fuckin shit !
i got NO IDEA what to post !
it's just AWWWWFFUULL !
i dun even know what can i post !
even though .

actually .
u're reading my post now !
hha .

i'm sure .
everybody always get bored on saturday !
coz,they got nothing to do on this saturday ! (usually)

umm,well .
i'm one of them also !
i really got no idea what to post,and what to do !

i always hate saturday !
i have to take a course from 18.30

to 21.00 or 22.00 usually !
suck huh ?

but ,tht's what i have to !

see ya !
i have to take a bath !

Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

Friendster or Facebook ?

guys ,
what cha prefer ?
friendster ?
or facebook ?

i'm sure .
u'll say
and i'll say
how could ?

why all people left their friendster and do a facebooking shit !

i got the answer !
here's some reasons why people are doing that !

1st. people got bored on using friendster, some people say : someone hacked my friendster .
i wanna leave it .
i'll be using facebook !
actually, they just got bored on using friendster !

2nd, human is the cleverest in the world !
so .

they wanna try and try after they got bored !

that's some reasons that i got !
what cha think people ?

see ya !


finally ,
i know .

people always change !
sometimes their really good ,

but,the other time they'll be suck !

just like u .

u ,
the one that i won't tell anyone who's that exactly !
thing that confused me is only one .
is that the real of u ?

and i know .
u'll say :
yea . that's the real of me !

hmm .
i really not in a mood !
see ya guys !

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

Ribuan Pelayat Berikan Penghormatan Terakhir kepada 8 Suster

Sejumlah pelayat khusyuk berdoa di depan jenazah delapan suster saat disemayamkan di Kapel Biara Charitas, Kamis (19/2). Rencananya, kedelapan jenazah biarawati yang meninggal dunia akibat kecelakaan tersebut akan dimakamkan di Pemakaman Charitas, Jumat (20/2) siang ini.

Jumat, 20 Februari 2009 03:49 WIB
Kapel Biara Charitas, Kamis (19/2) siang itu, penuh sesak oleh rombongan pelayat. Pelayat tidak hanya berasal dari kalangan rohaniwan, tetapi juga dari para kerabat dan masyarakat awam.Di depan altar kapel terbaring jenazah kedelapan suster yang tewas akibat kecelakaan maut di Sungai Lubai, Muara Enim, Rabu lalu. Salah seorang suster yang selamat dari kecelakaan tersebut, Silvestra FCh, kemarin mulai sadar.Semua jenazah dibalut dengan pakaian kebesaran mereka sebagai biarawati dan disemayamkan di dalam peti jenazah putih yang diukir dengan gambar dan simbol agama Katolik.”Saya ingat betul, almarhum suster Venita FCh dan almarhum suster Benedikta FCh memberikan pelukan kepada saya sesaat sebelum mereka masuk ke mobil. Ternyata, itu adalah pelukan perpisahan dari mereka berdua,” kata suster Monika FCh, sahabat kedua suster itu.Menurut suster Monika, pelukan itu diberikan karena dirinya tidak bisa turut melayat ibunda suster Benedikta ke Martapura, OKU Timur. Semasa hidupnya, kedelapan suster ini berkiprah di bidang yang berbeda-beda, tetapi semuanya bersinggungan dengan masyarakat.Suster Benedikta FCh adalah guru SD dan SMP Yos Sudarso, Belitung. Suster Aurella FCh bergiat di Yayasan Purba Danarta, Palembang. Suster Venita FCh menjadi anggota staf Biara Theresia di RS Charitas, suster Yose FCh berkiprah membina anak-anak putus sekolah dan anak jalanan di Palembang, suster Laurensiana FCh mengurus panti jompo di KM 7 Palembang, susterGermanda FCh menjadi perawat di RS Charitas, suster Mariana FCh bergiat di Kapel Charitas, dan Suster Evilla FCh melayani tugas rohani di RS Charitas.Di luar kapel, ratusan karangan bunga dari pengirim di seluruh Tanah Air berjejer di sepanjang koridor. Di dalam kapel terpancar nuansa kesedihan pelayat. Ribuan doa terucap di depan jenazah, mengiring kepergian mereka menghadap Sang Pencipta.

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

got a suck Fever !

ok .
so ,
let's we say !
wtf !
again and again !

i got a fever again !
i'm telling cha the truth !
last month i got it .
and last week i also got it !
and yesterday,

i also got it !
suck huh ?

tht's why i don't go to school today !
and u knw whAt !
bOring's the only one that companying me everywhere i gO !
anyway !

i saw DAHSYAT and SILET this morning !
let's say it again !
it's AMAZING !
i really love it !
but,thing that interested is .

i could see the celebrated surprise party for RAFFI AHMAD ,
yesterday !
mmm .
it's amazing !
i imagined that i was an actor !
so that i can celebrated the party with him !
and people will know me !

and i'll be in tv !
i'll be in infotainment !
i'll have so many friends !

i'll be in films !
i'll be famous !

all people will remember my birthday !
i'll be happy !

i'll be......
CUT !!!!

u're too confident !
u're living in an unreal life !
haha .

it's crazy !

but, that's what i wanted to be when i was little until now !
haha .

btw .

i gotta go !
see ya on the next one !