Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

bEst oF thE beSt..

beSt of thE beSt...

a gOod titLe to be written...

its abouT ma beSt of beSt fRiendS i haD meT...
they heLp mE..
thEy make mE haPpY..
thEy make me Laugh..

an aLmost pErfEct Girl i ever meT...
prEtTy,smaRt,humourist,fashionable,narcisstic girl,famous,MUMBLE,aNd GIRLY( u think sO ? )
thx for eveything u gave to me..
ur heLp..
uR kindNeSs..
ur smilE..
ur aDvicE..
i LovE..
and i really thank u foR it..
u've coloured ma life..
u made it beautiful..
there is a smile,a sadness,a crying face,and an surprise facE..
u aLso maDe me knoW..
LifE's a reaLLy important thinG..
i aLways remember this wOrdS,,
OMG.. i really wanna cry when i remember it..
thx for everything,,


hey duDe..
how r u therE??
smaRt,hanDsome,cuTe,anD niCe..
u're cRazy..
i love u as a really bF,,
i really love ur face when u were pretend get mad wid me..
thx ..
u also a beSt,,

u're da besT song LOVERS..
what i really love from ur self is..
u're so gOod..
u never get bored teaching me any songs that i dun knw...
even thou u always laugh me when i can't sing it...
still remember the BECAUSE OF YOU??

BENEDICT SAKTI HAPOSAN YUDHISTIRA... (still long,but i dun know ur full name)
cool,handsome,SMART,gooD to be shAred...
u're a really famous bOy ..
many girls love u and always keep admiring at u..
even thou u always call me wid a really shit name..
but i love it...

thx guyss...
u're the best that have coloured ma lifE...
ur name???
haven't mentioned yeT???

wait me on the next post..
its really late..
love u all...

Rabu, 21 Januari 2009

i'm having a probLem,

actually,not A problem..
but i have sooo many problems...

i wanna solve it..
i wanna finish it..
i dun wanna have an enemy..
i wanna talk 2 u..
but,u made me can't!
i really wanna punch all of u when i see and remember ur self..
i wanna forget u..
i wanna make u gone from my life..
but,i just can't...
i still think if u're ma fren..
anD,i dun wanna be so cruel..
im not it..
im not a cruel one,,
but, u made me have to be it..
u gotTa understanD this..
im not ma self now..
im not inyoi now..
im not yeremi now..
im the other one of inyoi..
the other one of yeremi..
im the fucking inyoi..
im the fucking yeremi..

i have to be so cruel now..
but,dun worry,,,
i will not be the other one of inyoi 4ever..
it just for a while..

inyoi needs time..
yeremi needs time..
he's really stuck now..
cant do anything,,
his problem is not only ur self..;.
family,and also a personality prob...
that not many people may know that,,

be patient..
and wait for a real inyoi come back..