Minggu, 30 November 2008

hy wOrLd,,

tOday's SunDAy,,

anD WTF???
i didn't go to ChurCh,,

oMg,i'm So SOrry God,,

bUt,it was really bOring Stay aT Home wiThout Do anyThing..
i feel Bored,,

but it's ok,,
coZ,i still can chat with ma Friends and update ma fs and ma blogger,,
anD tHe moST SucK tHing is ma 1st SemeSter Exam will bE on thursday!!
this Thursday,,
sO tHAt mEanS i Hv to kEep on STUDYING!!
~And I alSO HAvE To DO 2 eXams tOmoRroW~
cOz i waS Sick,,
aNd i sTill haVe 3 hOmeWOrks tHat i haVen't DOne it yEt,,
maTh,sOciaL,anD bioLogy,
i'll loVe daY withoUt sChooL

Huh,tHat's aLL i caN tell u aBout mY day,,
hOpe i'll bE fine Later..
byE fRienDS,,

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